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Sports Training Los Angeles is Rated #1 in Los Angeles County for Speed Training, Youth Speed Training, Speed & Agility Coach and Speed & Agility Trainer.
Sports Training Los Angeles offers Speed Training for adults and youth athletes for any sport. Speed Training involves interval training with explosive/powerful training movements that build your muscles for faster running and movements. Our training includes dynamic warm-ups and a combination of sprints, plyometrics, strength training and change of direction cone drills. These are fundamental speed exercises and athletic movements — all guaranteed to build important muscles and improve your 40 yard dash time. Athletes looking to build a solid foundation in speed and agility should contact us today.
Velocity is defined as “the quickness of motion” and “rapidity of movement”. Velocity based training has been shown to improve overall performance through a combination of increasing the athlete’s rate of force and speed at which that force is applied. This is incredibly important for any kind of athletics training. Sports Training Los Angeles will work toward achieving your maximum velocity strength with workouts catered to your specific needs and conditions.
Sports Training Los Angeles is Rated #1 in Los Angeles County for Speed Training, Youth Speed Training, Speed & Agility and Speed & Agility Coaching.